Optimal teleHealth HRA Administration

powered by

Take Command Health

Who are you?

Small Employer (0-49)

Small Business Solutions

Larger Employer (50+)

Large Business Solutions

Take Command Health

Stop doing employee benefits the hard way.

Reimburse employees for health insurance instead

  • Join the 5K+ companies taking care of their team on their terms
  • Only HRA administrator with in-house enrollment support
  • Start offering employee benefits in only 10 minutes


We’ve built a platform that takes care of all HRA administration needs and takes the headache out of managing your employee health benefits.

Take Command Health

QSEHRA Administration & ICHRA Administration

Provide health insurance without knowing anything about health insurance.

Take Command Health
Design your Reimbursement Plan

Get started by answering a few questions about how you’d like your HRA to work. Don’t worry, our platform will guide you through the process and put you in control as you craft your plan.

Take Command Health
Relax while we onboard your employees

Once you are done designing your HRA, we’ll get busy taking care of the legal requirements and getting your employees setup on our platform.

Take Command Health
Begin reimbursing for health insurance

Once your HRA is established and your employees are setup on our platform, we will begin helping you manage the claims process.


The future of employer sponsored health care is here

A new model of health insurance that is light on burdens for employers and heavy on benefits for employees.
Take Command Health

Small Business Solutions

Perfect for businesses looking to offer health insurance benefits for the first time.

Recruit and retain great employees by offering a great benefits package.

Take Command Health

Large Business Solutions

Perfect for businesses in need of more benefits options to offer their employees

Forget about increasing renewals and hard-to-meet participation rates.

Take Command Health

Provide health insurance for your employees

HRAs The New Way to Offer Employee Health Benefits

Small Business Solutions

Small Employer (0-49)

Take Command Health

HRAs for small business health insurance

There’s nothing small about small business

Your employee benefits should reflect that

Through TeleHealth Technology

Easy, affordable health insurance for small business

We’ll handle:
  • Insurance shopping guidance
  • Ongoing employee support
  • Easy-to-use admin dashboard
  • HIPAA compliance needs
  • Required IRS reporting
  • …and much more

As the HRA experts, we handle everything your employees need to get insurance. We’ll support them all the way through the process, handling all the details and regulatory needs to free you up to actually enjoy providing insurance.

Quickly set up small business group health insurance

Getting started is simple and easy

We know providing health insurance can be time-consuming and frustrating. That’s why we build our team around supporting you.

Large Business Solutions

Larger Employer (50+)

Take Command Health

HRA Plans For Large Employers

Double digit renewals and risk don’t have to come with the territory

Spend your time on your business, not managing healthcare.

Through TeleHealth Technology

Your team is our focus. We’re in this together.

That starts with:
  • Consultative & custom plan design
  • Change management best practices
  • Employee plan shopping support
  • Automated reimbursement options
  • Ongoing employee support and
    account management

Switching from employer group health insurance to an HRA solution means switching from the status quo. We understand that your employees need to feel comfortable with a change in health insurance.

Easy ICHRA setup

A better employee benefits solution begins here

Transitioning to a new employee benefits HRA plan requires a mission-driven focus and determination. We’re committed to helping you.

Employees say they want health insurance benefits, and as their employer, you’re frustrated with trying to satisfy everyone when you can’t.

Optimal TeleHealth

We help your business offer alternatives to traditional medical insurance as well as a way to offload the administration to someone else.
© 2023 Optimal TeleHealth. All rights reserved.