Group Administrators

Video Tutorials

Everything needed for you and your loved ones
to have access to quality healthcare and control over the costs.

Video Tutorials

The following tutorials are for Group Administrators who have the responsibility to manage membership within their company or organization.

Dashboard Walkthrough  

This video provides the group benefits administrator with an overview of all the functionality available to them in their dashboard. Other videos will provide added details on specific functions.

Manage Employee Database

The employee database is the heart of the group administrator’s available functionality. It’s important you become familiar with the operations available to you in this file because you will use it frequently.

Employee Enrollment      

There are multiple ways to enter information into the employee database so their memberships can be managed. The most common way to input this information is through the use of the Medical Benefits Enrollment form. This video will explain how to use this form and what it does for you.

Onboarding New Employees

After a new company/organization completes the initial onboarding of their employees/members, the ongoing enrollment of new employees/members can be a time-consuming distraction, or even overlooked. This video shows you how the issue can be effectively addressed at the point of onboarding in less than two minutes.

Step-by-Step Quick Reference Guide to Employee Enrollment: Download .PDF

Cancel Membership

Only the Group Administrator can cancel memberships and it’s a very simple process explained in this video.

Activate Account

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