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Your Guide to
Optimal Care

Our Optimal Care Membership is the combination of our virtual primary healthcare services plus membership in our medical cost-sharing community. Medical cost-sharing delivers financial protection for major medical events, and when bundled with comprehensive primary care medical services, you have the ultimate in next generation healthcare, offering both unparalleled access to healthcare and control over the costs.

Optimal Care  Membership Guide

Your Feedback in Action!

Our objective is to help people obtain improved access to quality healthcare services at an affordable price. We aim to educate consumers by sharing what we have learned about this subject.

If you have any feedback, questions, or suggestions for improving our resource center, please use the form below to share your thoughts. You can also let us know if there are specific topics you’d like to learn more about.

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Thank you for your interest in Optimal teleHealth and Next Generation Healthcare Podcast. We hope your quality of life and wellbeing are improved with the information we provide.

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