Self-Pay Memberships
Video Tutorials
Everything needed for you and your loved ones
to have access to quality healthcare and control over the costs.
Video Tutorials
If you’d like a membership for yourself or your family, our website is set up for self-enrollment. The tutorial videos below should walk you through each step of shopping for the right membership, enrolling in your membership of choice and activating the membership for immediate use. If you need additional help, there are “Request a Consultation” buttons all over the website or use the “Contact Us” page and we’ll reach out to help.
Self-Pay Website Walkthrough
Optimal teleHealth provides healthcare services for both individuals and their families, as well as groups. Our Self-Pay memberships are for individuals and families and enrollment can be completed on our website. This video will walk you through the website, providing insight into navigation and how to find the information needed to make your enrollment decision.
Membership Enrollment
This video will walk you through self-pay membership enrollment step by step.
Medical Cost Sharing Enrollment Guide
If you are enrolling in the Optimal teleHealth Optimal Care membership, it will be helpful to know the process for enrollment with Sedera Medical Cost Sharing, and this video will provide that information.
How to Access My Services
It may seem like this is something you should already know, but if some time has lapsed since you last accessed services, you may need a refresher on the options available.